Ginger Scallion Ramen with Miso Salmon

One of the best things about living in NJ is Mitsuwa-do you guys know this place? It’s a huge Asian market/grocery/food court where all my noodle dreams come true. A whole aisle of fresh noodles! Another one for dried noodles! Another one for sauces! Another one for…well you get the idea. Plus they have these delightful fluffy packaged bread things that make the perfect post-shopping snack.

Now that I have easy access to all these ingredients (did I know there were so many kinds of miso? now I do!) I can whip up meals like this one whenever I want.

I chose this as my first post because it says a lot about how I cook. A. I love noodles B. I think every dinner needs a grain/carb, protein, and vegetable C. If I can find a way to incorporate all of those into one dish, instead of worrying about side dishes, I absolutely will do that. The original recipe is just for the noodles. I tweaked the sauce a little, and added the bok choy and salmon to make it a full meal.

Happy cooking 🙂

Ginger Scallion Ramen with Miso Salmon

Course: Fish, Noodles




Total time



Recipe notes: You’ll want to chop all the vegetables before doing anything else. Once you start cooking, the whole thing comes together in under 30 minutes. You’re essentially cooking 3 things at once, so having everything prepped makes this a lot easier.
The original recipe calls for 5” ginger and 4 gloves garlic. That’s a lot for me-if you want stronger flavors though, feel free to increase the amount.


  • 1 lb salmon fillet (skin on or off, whatever you like)

  • 1 Tbsp ginger-garlic paste (or 1 1/2 tsp each of grated garlic and ginger)

  • 1 Tbsp white miso

  • 1/2 c canola oil (this is a lot, but the noodles will absorb most of it) plus 1 Tbsp

  • I bunch scallions, thinly sliced

  • 1 3″ piece ginger, peeled and grated

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 3 Tbsp soy sauce

  • 1 Tbsp rice wine

  • 1 tsp sesame oil

  • 1/2 tsp sugar

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 bunch bok choy, sliced

  • 16oz fresh ramen noodles

  • chili oil (to serve)


  • Preheat the oven to 425
  • Put a large pot of salted water on to boil
  • Prep/chop all the veggies now, if you haven’t already
  • Cut the salmon into 4 pieces, and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking tray lined with parchment or coated with cooking spray so it doesn’t stick. Mix the ginger-garlic paste and miso together, then rub into the salmon skin. Let this sit while you make the sauce.
  • Heat the canola oil in a medium frying pan until hot and shimmering, 1-2 minutes
  • Take 2/3 of the scallions, and mix them with the ginger and garlic in a large bowl. Pour the hot oil over the scallion mixture in the bowl. Let sit 5 minutes, then stir in the soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil, and sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Let this whole mixture sit for another 15 minutes to soak in all the flavor. (This will also give you just the right amount of time to cook the salmon, bok choy, and noodles, how convenient!)
  • Put the salmon in the oven, to cook for about 12 minutes. I would start checking after 10.
  • In the same pan you used to heat the oil, heat another 1 T of canola oil over medium heat. Add the bok choy, season with salt and pepper, and saute on medium-high for about 2 minutes-until wilted but not browned.
  • Meanwhile, cook the ramen noodles in the now-boiling water for about 2 minutes, then drain and add them to the big bowl with the scallion mixture. Add the bok choy, and stir it all together really well.
  • The salmon should be done right about now…so you can start eating! Put some noodles in a shallow bowl, with a salmon fillet on top. Sprinkle on the extra scallions, drizzle with chili oil, and dig in!

Recipe Notes

  • Adapted from Bon Appetit, April 2019. The glorious noodle edition.


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